whtbrd.pnkmnk is available for speaking engagements. Some of the topics covered are:

Vagabond Christian

What does it mean to be a Christian in the 21st Century? American Christians struggle to understand their identity in a society that is increasingly hostile to the church. While many profess to admire Jesus or call themselves “Followers of Christ,” more and more people are reticent to identify themselves as “Christian.”

Buildings. Programs. “Superstar” pastors, musicians, and personalities. Has the American Church settled into this world so much that we have forgotten what it means to be “strangers and aliens in a strange land” (1 Peter 2:11-12)? Have we forgotten that Earth is not our true home?

Christians are looking for a genuine representation of faith. The world longs to connect with God, seeking meaning through social justice and vague spirituality. How does a Christian (alien, stranger, vagabond) practice faith in Truth without losing a vital part of the Gospel?

Vagabond Christian: Being a Christian in a Post-Christian World

Arrogant. Judgmental. Homophobic. These are the top three words popping into people’s minds when thinking about Christianity or the Church in America. Persecution is on the rise for Christians around the world. Prosperity and Hyper-grace “gospels” have succeeded in sidelining many of the faithful. How do we find our way and move out of our insular communities to make an impact once more?

Vagabond Christian: Being Authentic

Thom became very good at wearing the religious masks expected in the 20th century. It hid his true self from everyone in his church. When he returned to Christ, he put the masks aside for a real relationship with Christ. Were Thom’s masks indicative of the ones worn by the 21st-century American church? How do we overcome this trend with authentic faith?

Vagabond Christian: Rediscovering Spiritual Disciplines

To grow as Christians, we need spiritual discipline. What kind of discipline does God expect of a Christian? Do the spiritual disciplines signal a move into legalism? How can we avoid becoming trapped by man-made rules while remaining obedient to God by seeking Him first?

Vagabond Christian: Unitas Ekklesia

Do we have unity in the American church? Not really, but there can be. I saw the possibilities while on a mission trip in Costa Rica. What is it that the church in other countries understands that we, the American church, have forgotten?

Vagabond Christian: Enter the Fray

Post-Christian America desires Christians to remain secretive behind the walls of their buildings, campuses, and edifices. The call of God is for the Church to go into all the world. Our job is not finished. How can we leave our insular communities and engage with those who prefer our silence?


The world of the homeless seems very far from yours — but in some ways, it is quite near. For any of us, the loss of a job, the death of a spouse or a child, or a severe physical disability could be the route to total despair. These are the very tragedies that have happened to many homeless people. Struck by personal tragedies, the people in shelters across America have lost their homes and been deserted by the families and friends they once had. What can you do to help them? Sometimes, the smallest gesture can go a long way.

Human Trafficking

Although the issue of human trafficking is the 2nd leading crime in the world, most people are entirely unaware that it happens in epidemic proportions right here in the United States. Human Trafficking is a Women’s Rights, Human Dignity, and Social Justice issue. Unfortunately, it has been mislabeled as teen Prostitution. We must change the mindset, reeducate, and discuss how the Sexualization of our society has helped fuel this fire. Christ calls on the church to step up and eradicate this crime through education, awareness, and action. Learn steps for stopping this and helping to make a change.

Prayer as a Lifestyle

“Master, instruct us in the art of prayer.” This singular request is documented from the disciples to Jesus. No other appeals for instruction in leadership, healing, counseling, or preaching are recorded. Merely, “Master, instruct us in prayer.” This query holds significance, as the disciples discerned that the essence of Jesus’ capacities in leading, healing, counseling, and proclaiming teachings was rooted in his communion with the Father. They recognized the integral role of prayer in fostering this deep connection. When they implored, “Master, instruct us in prayer,” their request transcended the desire for mere techniques. Rather, it embodied a profound yearning to understand Jesus’ knowledge of the Father, which fueled his dedication to prayer. That knowledge is the cornerstone.

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